Which leads me to answer your question: why would God not take away someone’s gay feelings?įirst, because everyone has an area of weakness that makes it easier for us to recognize our need for God and depend on Him more fully, which is His design and intent for us. I know the culture’s pro-gay message is that there’s nothing wrong with homosexuality so just accept it, but that’s not God’s position. That would be like seeing the “check engine” light on your car and deciding to learn to live with it. I want to VERY respectfully suggest that “accepting one’s gayness” is not the best solution to the grief and sadness that comes bound up in realizing one has same-sex desires. I’m sure that has left a wound on your soul that troubles you to this day. Luckily, I have found a church that accepts me for who I am and I know that God loves me as does Jesus but I am always curious to hear the ideas and opinions of Christians on what the supposed cure for this condition might be.įirst of all, _, I am so very sorry to hear of your best friend’s suicide. I learned to accept it and now I’m 36 and quite happy.
My best friend committed suicide when we were both 18 because he couldn’t accept that he was gay. I was reading your article about Gay Teen Suicides and Bullying, about how some people pray and pray for God to take away their gay feelings and there is a reason that he doesn’t that they don’t know about.